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UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey

Turkey is a destination abundant in UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it is home to a total of 18 of them, and there are over 80 sites that are on UNESCO’s Tentative List, waiting to be nominated. I will talk about the absolutely must-see UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey.

12 Important Negotiation Skills to Have

12 Important Negotiation Skills to Have

Interested in negotiation skills? Read the entire article.

Начини за намалување на негативните влијанија на социјалните мрежи врз младите

Начини за намалување на негативните влијанија на социјалните мрежи врз младите

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Belgrade Trip in the New Year

Belgrade Trip in the New Year

Hello everyone, I hope you are all good. Today I will talk about my Belgrade trip in New Year.

European Values

European Values

Hello everyone, I hope you are all fine. Today I am going to talk about European Identity. First of all, I would like to talk about the objectives of the European Union in this regard.

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